The Basics of ERP

Think of an ERP solution as a system that maintains a database of information related to business procedures. By using an ERP solution, data from various departments can be easily accessed and used by everyone. The main goal of an ERP solution is to reduce the amount of manual labor your team does and simplify existing businesses workflows.

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ERP Post Implementation Audit

Congratulations! Your new ERP system has officially gone-live. But, now what? Your road map isn’t finished just yet. Your team will want to see a return on the substantial investment of time, money, and resources that went into the ERP implementation project. A post-implementation audit is a critical way to ensure benefits recognition.

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Private versus Public Cloud

The term “cloud” has become common in the ERP world. Migration or moving to the cloud is becoming more popular as technology evolves. While your data can be moved to the cloud, there are different ways that data can be stored: public or private. Below are the differences between public and private cloud hosting environments.

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Your Brain on ERP

Just as your body needs your brain and central nervous system, your business needs an integrated ERP system.

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Benefits of Ongoing Staff Software Training

After ERP implementation, employees who will use the technology are trained on how to use the new software. However, software systems are constantly improving and updating which can cause employees confusion while working in the system. By hosting ongoing staff software training, your staff will feel confident and prepared to do their job effectively and be well versed in the updated technology. 

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Solutions by Industry

What's New

ACC’s Summer Integration Guide for Business Success

With ACC's Summer Integration Guide, businesses can streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve decision-making, setting the stage for a productive and prosperous summer. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Thu, 07/18/24 - 5:00

Vacation-Ready Operations: Achieve Seamless Integration with Acumatica

With Acumatica's powerful features and flexible architecture, businesses can achieve vacation-ready operations without compromising on efficiency or productivity. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Tue, 07/16/24 - 5:00

Summertime Efficiency: Transform Your Business with Acumatica Integration

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to boost efficiency, streamline operations, and take your business to new heights with the power of Acumatica. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Tue, 07/09/24 - 5:00

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