Acumatica provides users with a simple way to upload data to quickly create transactions. It may be a Journal Transaction, Lines on a Sales Order or Purchase Order, or Price Worksheet , where you can easily upload data from excel.

Anywhere you see this button,       you can upload data from Excel.

Just like creating this transaction manually, you can apply settings like transaction date and description. When you click on the Load Records From File button you can browse for the file (it can be .xlsx or .csv).

After clicking UPLOAD, it will confirm the Common Settings and allow for you to map the fields. Columns to the left are from your file. The file on the right can be set to where it should upload.


After clicking OK it will upload the data. You can then make any corrections or changes as needed. It’s that simple! Then, you can treat the transaction as if you manually entered it and save a release.

Similarly, whenever you see the Excel button , you can export the data out to Excel.

Acumatica makes it very feasible to upload and export data to Excel. These feature makes data easily accessible and available to your employees in a quick way. Do you need more help using Acumatica? We have a Tips and Tricks page for answers to common Acumatica troubleshooting. If you are interested in one-on-one support, please visit our Support page or shoot us an email at satkins@4acc.com!

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