As the need to keep up with business demands, technology improvements, and cyber-security increases, the cost of on-premise enterprise resource planning (ERP) ownership has drastically risen over the past few years.

With that said, cloud-based solutions are on the rise. A cloud-based product or service is anything running in the Cloud. This includes SaaS-based applications. Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

SaaS providers have digitally transformed the functionality of ERPs by offering accessible solutions to mid-market organizations looking for a cost-effective, scalable platform with tons of features and integrations to replace their on-premise ERP… or lack thereof. Among the many benefits, cloud ERPs offer financial efficiency and visibility, strengthen data security for financial information, and decrease Information Technology (IT) costs.


Any mid-market organization interested in moving to a cloud ERP platform should consider doing so because of these 3 benefits:


Financial visibility and efficiency

Mid-market organizations typically start with a simple spreadsheet or bookkeeping software. While these band-aid solutions once worked, they aren’t efficient solutions when finance teams are spending countless days or weeks consolidating data for reports.

SaaS cloud ERP solutions alleviate the need to work with confusing spreadsheets and the frustrations associated with the lack of flexibility offered by bookkeeping software. With on-demand reporting and real-time insights accessible through cloud ERP financial dashboards, finance teams have an increased visibility of financials through custom dashboards. In result, financial leaders are provided with the current landscape of their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or when the situation arises — the ability to accommodate critical business situations or questions.


IT cost savings with automatic updates and advanced security

Moving from an on-premise ERP to a SaaS cloud ERP platform helps mid-market enterprises cut IT costs by shifting responsibilities to the cloud ERP provider. In doing so, businesses reduce overall IT functions when it comes to ERP maintenance and security.

With on-premise ERPs, IT teams are typically responsible for implementing custom codes or scripts, upgrading costly hardware and updating software, running backups, and ensuring their data is secure.

Cloud ERP platforms also come with built-in advanced security features to protect an enterprise’s confidential information and data. Advanced security features execute automatic security scans. Another equally important cloud ERP security benefit comes in form of the systems hardened networks and firewalls. Moreover, information can be accessed any time or day of the year and secure backups are made daily at multiple locations — so enterprises will always be in control of their data.


Integrated financial management platform designed for scalability

Cloud financial management solutions offer extraordinary depth when it comes to financial features. Cloud software is designed for scalability offering both a core financials suite and advanced functionalities for enterprises ready to extend their financial software. In addition, cloud ERP platforms connect seamlessly with other business systems through pre-built connections offered in its marketplace. The plug and play integrations range from Accounts Payable (AP) applications to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions.

A financial management platform is both easy to configure and a scalable solution for today’s mid-market organization. With core financials, enterprises have all that’s needed to improve productivity, make decisions faster, and to help drive the business forward. Core financial tools include a general ledger, cash and order management, accounts payable and receivable, and reporting dashboards, among other financial management instruments.


When business grows, advanced functionality can be added to support an organization’s success without breaking the bank. To begin your ERP journey, contact the ACC Software Solutions team.

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