Module 1: Introduction And Overview

This module introduces Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and briefly looks at how it connects to the source system. In addition, students generate a pre-defined sample report in Report Designer and review its contents in Report Viewer. The associated building blocks are then explored in Report Designer.


  • Welcome
  • Training Reports
  • Building Blocks

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Access Management Reporter
  • Explore the sample reports
  • Review the building blocks used in a report

Module 2: Navigation

In this module each of the primary components of the user interface is explored. In addition, students define a new building block group that stores the reports, rows, columns, and reporting trees created during the training.


  • Menu Bar
  • Toolbars
  • Navigation Pane
  • Building Block Groups

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use the menu bar commands
  • Access the toolbar options
  • Change the navigation pane display
  • Recognize the view pane
  • Create a building block group

Module 3: Detailed Trial Balance

This module explains how to create the row, column, and report definition, then save and generate the report in Report Designer. The report is then reviewed using drill down to transaction level in the Report Viewer.


  • Create a New Row Definition
  • Create a New Column Definition
  • Create a Trial Balance Report Definition
  • View the Trial Balance

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create a detailed trial balance row definition
  • Define a current and year to date column definition
  • Build a trial balance report definition
  • Review the generated report in Report Viewer

Module 4: Detailed Income Statement

This module explains how to design a detailed income statement that reports monthly and year to date results. Students start with the detailed trial balance row definition, and then modify it adding headers, underscores, and sub-totals. When students define the report definition, the completed income statement row definition is associated with the existing current and year to date column definition, and then report headers, font styles, and rounding options are selected. This module also examines adding customized folders to the Report Library in Report Viewer.


  • Modify a Row Definition
  • Modify a Report Definition
  • Report Viewer

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Modify existing row definitions
  • Create a new report from an existing report definition
  • Organize the Report Library

Module 5: Working With Reporting Trees

This module introduces how to build and maintain a reporting tree, an optional building block in basic report designs. Reporting trees allow users to define reports based on responsibility centers within the organization and create rollups that are independent of the chart of accounts.


  • Two Level Dimension Based Reporting Trees
  • Departmental Income Statement
  • Reporting Tree Symbols
  • Multilevel Reporting Trees
  • Other Reporting Tree Options

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create a basic two-level, dimension based, reporting tree
  • Add a reporting tree to an existing report
  • Work with the characters used in reporting trees
  • Create a multiple level reporting hierarchy
  • Access other reporting tree options

Module 6: Review Plus

This module explores the sample reports and associated building blocks included in the demonstration data, introducing valuable design tips and tricks. The export and import functions are then used to move a sample report and its building blocks into the files used for an upcoming training exercise.


  • View the Demo Report Definitions
  • Wildcards and Ranges
  • Export and Import Building Blocks

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Access and work with the sample report definitions
  • Use wildcards and ranges in row, column, and reporting tree definitions
  • Utilize the export and import functions in building block groups

Module 7: Side By Side Reporting

This module explains two methods for filtering data into columns: the dimension filter and the reporting unit. The dimension filter method is based on dimensions, while in the reporting unit method, data in the column definition is related to units in a reporting tree. Row filtering is also introduced by using the related units function in the row definition.


  • Divisional Income Statement
  • Row Modifiers
  • Unit Restrictions in the Row Definition
  • Rotate the Building Blocks

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Design reports that utilize dimension filters to present data in a side-by-side format
  • Create reports that present reporting unit data in a side-by-side format
  • Determine when each of the two methods is better suited to the report design
  • Apply row modifiers to the row definition
  • Report on individual tree units in the row definition
  • Investigate the flexibility of building blocks and their content

Module 8: Relational Reporting

This module explains the use of both single and multiple base row format codes in the row definition and how to define a column calculation that reports data in relationship to the base row (s).


  • Define a BASEROW Column Definition
  • Define a CBR Row
  • Multiple CBR Rows

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Define a calculated column that uses CBR (calculation on base row)
  • Apply the CBR format code to one or more rows in the row definition

Module 9: Variance Reporting

This module explains how to design column definitions that report on two common types of variance presentations: over/(under) and favorable/(unfavorable). The XCR print control is introduced to support favorable/(unfavorable) variances when the type of account being reported needs to be considered (i.e. income versus expense accounts).


  • Over/(Under) Variances
  • Favorable/(Unfavorable) Variances
  • Design Review

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create an over/(under) variance column definition and associated report
  • Define a report that displays favorable/(unfavorable) variances
  • Write column calculation formulas to support either variance presentation
  • Apply the XCR print control to applicable variance columns

Module 10: Balance Sheet Reporting

This module looks at how to define a row definition that presents all general ledger accounts in a balance sheet style report. The effect of rounding and how to account for it in the report design is also introduced. Two balance sheet presentations are designed through the column definition: year to date and current year to date compared to prior year end results.


  • Create a Balance Sheet Row Definition
  • Create Balance Sheet Column Definitions
  • Create the Report Definition
  • Sample Balance Sheets

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Construct a balance sheet row definition
  • Design a year to date column definition
  • Associate the building blocks in a report definition
  • Open the sample reports to review additional balance sheet designs

Module 11: Statements Of Cash Flow

In this module of training, students begin by reviewing a sample cash flow report. Additionally, the training shows how to fine tune a basic cash flow’s design to accommodate the FASB style of reporting that breaks out activity typically assigned to a single general ledger account, such as separating loan proceeds from loan payments. Students are also introduced to the combined link method of reporting on data in an Office Excel worksheet.


  • Sample Statement of Cash Flow
  • Review the Cash Flow Building Blocks
  • Generating the Statement of Cash Flow
  • FASB Style Statement of Cash Flow

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Access the sample cash flow statements including in the demonstration data
  • Implement the design of a statement of cash flow report
  • Look at the effect of the calculation priority setting
  • Complete a FASB style statement of cash flow using a combined link in the row definition

Module 12: Consolidation Reporting

This module explains how to design a reporting tree that accesses both the sample companies, Fabrikam, Inc. (FW) and Fabrikam Europe, Inc. (FWE). This reporting tree is then associated with a column definition to present the companies activity in a side-by-side or consolidating format. Intercompany eliminations are added to the design in two methods: dimension filters in the column definition and external worksheet linking.


  • Consolidation Overview
  • Multi-Company Reporting Trees
  • Consolidating Column Definitions
  • Consolidating Row Definitions
  • Consolidating Report Definition
  • Sort Commands
  • External Worksheet Linking
  • Consolidating Balance Sheet with Separate Link

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explore the basics of multi-company reporting in Management Reporter
  • Create a reporting tree that connects to multiple companies
  • Create a consolidating column definition
  • Modify a row definition to support multi-company accounts
  • Define a consolidating or consolidated report
  • Add sorts commands to a row definition
  • Utilize the separate link method of accessing data in an Excel worksheet

Module 13: Report Output And Distribution

This module explains how the options available on the Output and Distribution tab of a report definition affect the presentation of the report.


  • Output Type
  • Other Options and Exception Reports
  • Report Viewer Distribution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Choose from three output types available
  • Generate an exception report to list missing or duplicate dimensions based on the row definition’s design
  • Access report distribution options within the Report Viewer

Module 14: Security

This module explains how to create users and assign them to one of four security roles: Administrator, Designer, Generator, or Viewer. Group and entity assignments applicable to users and report access in Report Viewer is also explored.


  • Defining Users and Roles
  • Working with Groups and Companies
  • Report Viewer Security
  • Generator Functionality

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create users and select security permissions
  • Create groups and assign users
  • Modify Report Library permissions

Module 15: Maintenance

This module explains how to use the Tools menu options.


  • Tools Menu Options
  • Report Groups

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Protect building blocks
  • Review and release checked out building blocks (administrator and designer roles only)
  • Refresh cached data
  • Understand how and when to use Report Groups to generate reports simultaneously

Module 16: Data Migration

This module explains how to use the Tools menu options.


  • Overview
  • Migration Steps

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Perform a migration of data from Microsoft FRx 6.7
  • Configure migrated companies in Management Reporter
  • Validate the migrated data

Module 17: XBRL

This module explains how to configure Management Reporter to create reports that support XBLR reporting.


  • XBRL Setup
  • Row Definition for XBRL
  • XBRL Column Definitions and Reporting Trees
  • Review XBRL Output

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Set up Taxonomies, Entities, and Units for XBRL
  • Design or modify building blocks to enable XBRL reporting
  • Generate and analyze the output of XBRL reports

Module 18: Appendix

This module supplies supplemental topics.


  • Report Wizard
  • Dimensions and Special Characters

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use the Report Wizard to define basic financial statements
  • Explore the relationship of special characters and the use of dimensions in building blocks

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