Make customized reporting your calling card to expand opportunities, with this valuable course that teaches you how to link tables, sort, group and select records to ensure presentation-quality reports that really stand out. Learn how to use the basic formulas within your report to calculate, evaluate and manipulate data. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can create your own reports based upon your company’s unique reporting requirements.
This class is ideal for
Sage software users who need to understand the basics of creating and using reporting
Topics Included
Advance Preparation:
Experience using the Windows operating system and navigating with the use of a mouse
Course level:
$995.00 + $125 (plus tax and shipping) for Training Guide. Discounts available for groups of 3 or more.
Solutions by Industry
What's New
Make the Most of Acumatica and Sage 100 Features
Maximizing the benefits of Acumatica and Sage 100 requires a strategic approach, tailored customizations, and expert guidance. Read MoreSubmitted by Stephanie Dean on Thu, 10/24/24 - 5:00
Strategies for Optimizing ERP Performance
Implementing an ERP system is only the beginning. Optimizing its performance is where true value and competitive advantage are realized. Read MoreSubmitted by Stephanie Dean on Tue, 10/22/24 - 5:00