How you Take your Coffee May Affect its Taxability

It sometimes seems there are as many ways to tax coffee as there are varieties of coffee drinks — and anyone who’s been to a Starbucks knows that’s a lot. Taxability can be affected by the temperature of the coffee, and whether it’s consumed on premises or sold to go. It can depend on the percentage of taxable food sales made by the seller, and if the coffee’s sold separately or as part of a combination. In fact, even the sweetness of coffee can affect taxability.

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Industry-Specific or Generic? How Postmodern ERP Is Changing the Debate

At one point or another, you probably have or will ask yourself, “Should I invest in an industry-specific ERP solution, or in a flexible, “generic” ERP solution?”  You’re not alone.  In fact, this debate has been raging for decades.  But as we usher in a new era of technological innovation, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions have morphed into what Gartner has dubbed “Postmodern ERP.” Since ERP solutions and strategies have changed, it’s time to change the industry-specific vs. generic ERP debate as well.

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Painting the Picture for Postmodern ERP: The Influence of Postmodern Art

The term “Postmodernism” is widely used to describe cultural changes to established structures and belief systems, often a direct retaliation against what is considered to be “modern” or the “modernist” movement that precedes the postmodernist movement.  Originally, Gartner referred to this movement as, “the devolution of modern ERP,” but ultimately recognized the similarities between this “devolution” and the postmodern art movement.  Both art and technology, and thus ERP, are exercises in and expressions of human imagination.

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Introducing the New and Improved ACC!

Big news! Today, after 21 years, ACC is ushering in an era of change with a massive modernization initiative! Since our founding in 1996, lots has changed within ACC, the enterprise software industry, and technology as a whole.  We have come to embrace change while still honoring our experiences.  It is a fine line, but one we are trying to walk day in and day out.  The next step for ACC is a fresh name, new look, modern style, and expanded portfolio. 

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What Is XBRL? – 2017 Changes To SEC Requirements

XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language and is a technology for tagging data in order to identify and describe the information within an organizations financial statements.  Often referred to as “bar codes for reporting,” XBRL makes financial reporting more accurate and efficient by allowing tags to be associated with reported facts. 

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The Truth Behind Sales Tax Audits

With the myriad responsibilities involved in running a successful business, it should come as no surprise that preparing for a sales and use tax audit is not exactly a high priority or favorite topic of conversation among business owners.

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Solutions by Industry

What's New

The Role of ACC Software Solutions in Your Software Journey

At ACC Software Solutions, we're more than just a software vendor – we're your trusted partner in success. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Thu, 09/26/24 - 5:00

Elevating User Experience: ACC Software Solutions’ Commitment to Seamless Integration

ACC Software Solutions is dedicated to elevating user experience through seamless integration, accessibility, usability, performance optimization, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Tue, 09/24/24 - 5:00

Benefits of Choosing ACC Software Solutions

With our expertise, comprehensive solutions, proven track record, unparalleled support, and commitment to future-proofing your business, we're here to help you accelerate your growth and achieve your goals. Read More

Submitted by Stephanie Dean on Thu, 09/19/24 - 5:00

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