So, you’ve decided you need an ERP software. This is a massive investment – where do you start and how do you know which ERP to choose?

Many companies find the ERP selection process to be overwhelming, from the time commitment required to research different solutions to deciding which system is a right fit for their company. You need an ERP that best suits your goals and can scale as you grow.


To make your ERP selection easier, we created 10 steps that will help guide you on the path to choosing the right ERP system for your manufacturing business.

  1. Identify the problems you need to solve.

If you’re manually entering data into spreadsheets and then transferring that data into your accounting system, you may want to consider an ERP system that seamlessly integrates inventory and accounting. Manual entries are time consuming, error-prone, and an unproductive use of end-users.

You should also review ALL of your daily business processes. Are there any processes that require manual or double entry? Are there any that could be improved with automation? Do you need faster and better reporting? Do you struggle to meet industry compliance requirements?

Compare the results with a cost-benefit analysis. Do the benefits outweigh the cost? If so it’s time for step #2.

  1. Get buy-in from the key stakeholders.

Executive management and key stakeholder buy-in is essential to the ERP selection and implementation process. Utilize the cost-benefit analysis from step #1 and the potential ROI to help get them on board. For instance, when processes are improved through automation, employees can work smarter, and tedious manual tasks are eliminated, providing greater employee satisfaction, retention, and improved productivity.

  1. Appoint an internal product champion.

Appoint a stakeholder and a highly motivated end-user to assist with the onboarding of a new ERP system. Their excitement will inspire others to become excited and that enthusiasm will be essential to reaching a successful implementation.

  1. Make sure the system is “future-proofed”.

A modern ERP solution will be the core foundation of your business and needs to be resilient enough to grow with your needs. Search for a flexible, open, and modular system. It needs to perform well with additional third-party integrations.

Is the system modular enough to accept new functionality based on the latest manufacturing advances? Is the system scalable? Can it grow as your business grows?

  1. Make sure the system offers mobile access.

Is the ERP system accessible from anywhere at any time? You want end-users to be as productive on smartphones and tablets while they are on-the-go as they are on desktops in the office.

  1. Make sure the system is easy to use.

A manufacturing ERP system will have a wide range of end-users from shop floor to top floor. The  User Interface (UI) must be logically structured and intuitive to use. A user-friendly ERP with well-designed dashboards promotes employee efficiency and better productivity.

  1. Choose your deployment option wisely.

You may be offered a choice of on-site, cloud, or hybrid deployment solution. Cloud solutions have matured to the point where the benefits far outweigh those of an on-site solution.

    • Upfront expense is minimized as cloud-based systems usually operate on a pay-as-you-go scenario
    • IT staff overhead is minimal as maintenance and upgrades are handled by the vendor and the software is always current
    • Cloud-based systems are infinitely scalable
  1. Verify the training and support options the vendor provides.

Once you’ve narrowed down your ERP choices, confirm training and support options from your vendor and/or partner. There is no point in investing time and resources into implementing a new system if nobody knows how to use it!

Training and support should be offered pre- and post- implementation for on going success.

  1. Choose a vendor who understands your business.

You want to work with a vendor who understands the challenges of manufacturing and your specific business. Someone who knows the problems you are trying to solve and can frame their solution accordingly.

  1. Make your decision!

Evaluate potential hidden expenses in ERP implementation, finalize contract negotiation, and finally estimate the go-live date.


ERP selection criteria should be clearly defined before you embark on the selection journey. What are the questions to ask when buying ERP software?

  • What modules do you have?
  • Do you support mobile access?
  • Can this solution be easily integrated with other tools?
  • Do you support advancing technologies?
  • Do you offer an industry-specific solution?
  • Are there limitations on the number of users?


Your Next Steps

Are you ready to embark on your new ERP journey? When you team up with ACC Software Solution’s premier team of consultants, you’ll receive a team of experts committed to following ERP best practices, from selection to end user training.

Find out why distribution and manufacturing facilities across the United States have committed ACC Software Solutions for over 25 years to execute their software projects—contact ACC Software Solutions today!

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